Director Roles

The RYANI appoints Directors annually at its AGM.

Independent Directors 2022

RYANI is seeking to appoint 3 independent Directors.  The roles currently being sought are Treasurer and Marketing and Communications.  The 3rd Director has no defined role, we would just ask that they have an interest in developing sailing in Northern Ireland.

Role descriptions can be found here

To apply, please email your CV along with a covering letter to   Applications for Directors will close at noon on 16th September 2022.


About the Royal Yachting Association Northern Ireland

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is the national body for dinghy, yacht and motor cruising, all forms of sail racing, RIBs and sports boats, windsurfing and personal watercraft and a leading representative for inland waterways cruising.
The Royal Yachting Association Northern Ireland (RYA NI) acts for the RYA in Northern Ireland (NI).
The RYANI continues to grow as an organisation and increase its reach, with over 70 recognised and affiliated bodies, 1280 RYA Personal Members and over 9500 Club Members across Northern Ireland.
RYANI’s purpose is to Promote and Protect Safe, Successful and Rewarding Boating in Northern Ireland

Our Activities
RYA NI organises a wide range of programmes and services, designed to promote boating on both a participation and performance level for participant, coaches, officials and volunteers.

 Area Summary 
 Participation  Working with clubs to deliver participation initiatives, including:
- Women On Water
- OnBoard
- Bright Night Sailing
- Volunteer development
 Club and Workforce Development  - Club development
- Instructor Courses
- Race officials courses
- Coach development
 Performance  Pathway Club Programme
- Open Pathway Training
- Performance Programmes
- Support of high performance athletes
 Membership and Representation  Representation of issues facing sport to relevant Departments/ Ministers
- Cruising Conference
- Environmental sustainability
- Promotion of RYA personal membership
 Cross Functional  PR
- Communications
- Governance
- Income Generation

Board Structure
RYA NI’s Board of Directors consists of not more than ten members, 7 elected through club nomination and 3 recruited as independents and all voted in at the AGM. An independent director is defined as someone who does not sit on the Executive Committee of any RYANI Affiliated Club and is appointed through an application process.

The Articles of Association state that the RYANI Board cannot contain more than 3 members of one Club.

The Board is made up of the following posts:
1. Chair
2. Vice Chair
3. Treasurer
4. Development Committee Chair
5. Performance Committee Chair
6. Income Generation Committee Chair
7. Cruising and Environment Chair
8. Safeguarding/Equality Champion
9. Membership Development
10. Marketing Communications

Role of Directors
The role and responsibilities of Directors on the Board is as follows:

  • To ensure the organisation fulfils its objectives as outlined in its Articles of Association.
  • To ensure that the organisation complies with its legislative requirements, including compliance with employment and equal opportunities legislation, and charity and company law.
  • To ensure that the organisation has adequate financial resources and that its finances are effectively managed.
  • To contribute to the strategic development of the organisation.
  • To contribute to the development of policies and procedures that ensure the organisation meets optimum levels of good practice in governance.
  • To ensure that risks to the organisation are maintained at an acceptable level.
  • To participate in and contribute to meetings of the Board of directors, it’s sub committees and working groups.
  • To represent the organisation at meetings and events relevant to the business of the organisation.


  • Effective Decision Making
  • Risk management and assurance in the utilization of the Organisation’s resources
  • Monitoring and challenging ability to request more information for decision making
  •  Ability to communicate the Benefits and Objectives of the Organisation to a range of audiences
  • Identify and manage conflicts of interest
  • Knowledge or a willingness to learn of financial budgets and controls.

Terms of Appointment, Time Commitment and Remuneration

  • Directors are appointed on a 3 year basis. Directors can be appointed up to 3 terms.
  • The RYANI Board meets 6 times per year and the AGM.
  • Board membership is likely to require a time commitment of approximately 1 day per month.
  • Board member positions are not remunerated but reasonable travel and subsistence expenses will be reimbursed.

Induction Training
The Chair and Vice Chair will be invited to attend the RYA induction in Hamble
RYA NI will provide induction training for the successful candidates.
Assistance for Board Members with Disabilities
Every effort will be made to provide whatever reasonable support Board Members need to help them carry out their duties.

Selection process
Those Directors nominated by an affiliated club will be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Where 2 people are standing for the same position, a ballot will be held.

For those people wishing to stand as an independent candidate, following short-listing, all successful candidates will be asked to attend an interview.
A selection panel normally consisting of the Chair and COO will oversee the interview and appointment process.

The panel’s recommended candidates will then be considered for appointment by the membership at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting. Successful candidates will be informed as soon as possible after the AGM.

Equality of Opportunity

RYANI is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all individuals. Applications are welcome regardless of gender, age marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants. All applications for appointment are considered strictly on merit.