Club centre support hero image 

Join the RYA family

Take advantage of the benefits of membership, affiliation and recognition and sign up now......


Look at our affiliated organisations resources which support the volunteering you do in your venues

Training Support Site

The one-stop shop for all of your training centre resources


A person instructing someone on how they did

What is RYA training recognition?

The RYA's training schemes are respected worldwide. Find out more about how to join our global network and become an RYA recognised training centre.

Lots of boats outside of a club house

What is affiliation?

Take a look at how your organsiation can benefit from affiliation and the simple steps to sign up...

Take a look at how the RYA can help you increase participation

Become an instructor

Take a look at how you can be part of the RYA instructing family

Become a race coach

Support your clubs racing by becoming a race coach

Become a volunteer

Volunteers are the cornerstone of boating. Find out how to get involved

Instructor Support

Helping you to improve, maintain and develop your knowledge

Race coach support

Take a look at how we can work with you to improve your coaching

Regional training

Join your local training day and develop your skills

Equality, diversity & inclusion

No matter where you live or your physical ability there is a boating opportunity near you.


People doing safety checks on a dinghy

Risk assessment

Manage and control your organisations risks to improve health and safety

rubbish on a stony beach


Take a look at how our sustainability team can support your club to a greener future.

Explore RYA Connected events

Find out more about our upcoming Connected gatherings, workshops, forums and webinars.



A rib on the river

Volunteer Awards

Celebrate the exceptional commitment and achievements of your volunteers.

a group of smiling children on a sailing dinghy

RYA Funding foundation

Does your organisation need help with funding for a worthwhile project?

Club of the year trophy

Club of the Year

Shining a light on the hard work put in by the RYA's network of affiliated clubs. 

Dinghy Donation

The RYA has links with a number of developing countries or charitable projects abroad that are often in need of donated second-hand dinghies and other equipment, so if any club/class wishes to be involved, please feel free to get in contact with the RYA. We will forward any offers of support onto the boat repurposing projects, to discuss further. 

What we can do for your organisaton

Make sure that the activity you run protects and complies with the law

Racing services

From training club race officials to support from our rules advisory service, find out how the RYA supports club racing

Environmental planning

Expert support in planning applications


Be part of the team that help disabled people get on the water

Legal advice

From supporting clubs in lease negotiations to advice on VAT our legal team is here to help affiliated clubs & classes

Specialist insurance

Have a look at how Gallagher has supported clubs and centres over the last 40 years with their specialist insurance package

Affiliated Club Conferences

Our club conferences are an opportunity to share experiences with other clubs and attend some of our club development workshops

RYA Training Conferences

Take a look at how we support RYA centres and instructors through our annual conferences

Sailability Conference

Join us and learn how to take your group to the next level

Get involved

Motivated and enthusiastic volunteers are the heart of our activity and play a key role in developing and maintaining thriving and successful clubs.

Learn how the RYA supports sailing clubs and centres around the UK.

Support topics
Available funding

have a look at what funding is available to support your activity

Contact us

A person using the VHF radio


Manage and control your organisations risks to improve health and safety.

Poeple training on the shore

Trade shop

Did you know your club and center can benefit from discounted purchases from our shop? Find out how to access this great benefit here