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We found 48 results for Club Resources filtered by All

Making the most of high footfall shows and open days

Whether your club has been able to capitalise on the staycation trend or is struggling to resume activities, this is the event to help you move forwards.

Thank you for logging your OnBoard participation data. Your data is important because it helps us to secure the funds that support this programme.

Catch up on the latest news from across Wales from our Development Team.

Look at our guidance notes on the British Code of Advertising

Using social media platforms regularly and creating your clubs' posts to greatest effect is an increasingly important method to enable impactful communication between your club and the people that engage with your club.

Current lifestyles and commitments make it hard for many of our current or potential customers to commit to taking courses. When surveyed, course length and scheduling are just some of the highlighted barriers to participating in sailing.

Take a look at how Wimbledon Park Watersports Centre increased their participation by targeting a specific local audience

Diversification has been the key to success for this club, take a look at the video to see how they went about it