The RYA has submitted its annual report of ‘Communication on Progress’ (COP) to the United Nations Global Compact. The Report reaffirms the RYA’s support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact with respect to human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
The Global Compact is an initiative launched by the United Nations to activate companies and stakeholders into working together to create a sustainable future. The COP is a mandatory document required of all organisations that participate in the UN Global Compact and is aimed at ensuring transparency and strengthening relationships between organisations and their stakeholders.
This is the second COP that the RYA has completed, and this year’s report focusses on the practical actions that have been taken over the past year to amalgamate the Global Compact and its principles into daily operations. The Report also looks towards the future, outlining the ambitions of the RYA to ensure that significant progress in respect of the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact continues.
Phil Horton, RYA Environment and Sustainability Manager, said: “The RYA is committed to integrating the principles of the UN Global Compact into our everyday activities and into our organisation’s culture. Despite COVID restrictions we have made significant progress towards that goal over the past year, and we look forward to developing it further over the coming months.”
You can read more about the RYA’s commitment to sustainable activities on the
Environment and Sustainability policy pages of the RYA website. You can learn more about the Global Compact and read the RYA's full COP on the
United Nations Global Compact website.