wide shot of family smiling while sitting of a sailing yacht

Together on Water

A connected, inspired and inclusive sailing and boating community

The RYA’s strategy Together on Water celebrates the passion and benefits of being on the water and puts the creation of a safe and welcoming environment for everyone at the heart of what we do.

Together on Water sets out a vision and the outcomes we are aiming to achieve. How we do it will involve being bold, trying new ideas and regularly evaluating and publishing the impact. We will support our excellent network and help them to be ready for the future, understand the role they can play, and join us on the journey. 

Together we will make a difference.

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Our vision

The water belongs to everyone. And everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the joy, relaxation, inspiration and excitement it offers. No matter where someone lives, no matter their background or level of experience, no matter who they are, we want them to feel there’s a place for them within our community on the water.

Our commitment

We have set out a long-term vision of a connected, inspired and inclusive sailing and boating community. The next five years will be about building the foundations as we address the perception and challenges of making sailing and boating truly inclusive and accessible.

Every year we will publish an update of progress, tell you how we are doing and what you can do to help. This needs to be everyone’s vision and commitment if we are to succeed and be, Together on Water.

Who we are

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100,000 members

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250,000 volunteers

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2,200 recognised training centres

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1,500 clubs and class associations

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The home of competitive racing and the British Sailing Team

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A respected voice


Frequently asked questions

Why do we need this change in approach?

As an organisation, we’re proudly building on almost 150 years of heritage and trust – but we need to look forward and continue to evolve so we remain a representative voice, relevant to society and fit for the future.

The Covid pandemic saw millions of new people try out water-based activities, from broad demographic backgrounds. But beyond these initial taster experiences, more regular participants of boating activities display relatively low demographic diversity. Dinghy racing participation has declined and club numbers are static – we cannot ignore these trends and need to work hard to attract and retain new audiences. 

What can I do to support?

We hope that ‘Together on Water’ will challenge everyone in our network to think differently. We can’t do it alone and need everyone to consider how they too can become more open, welcoming and inclusive across their operations and activities.

We can all spread the word about how spending time on the water can have a positive impact in peoples’ lives, inspiring and bringing more people together on water, safely and responsibly, for generations to come.

We want to work with you and our network in the coming months to share ideas and bring this vision to life together.

See all FAQs


Making a difference

We take a look at three sailing venues putting community and sustainability at the heart of their activities.

midshot of two children walking and talking in foreground of sailing club

Encouraging youth sailing

The Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre at Bartley Sailing Club offers new opportunities for some of Birmingham’s most disadvantaged young people.

Find out more


mid-shot of two young women having a conversation on yacht while smiling

Giving something back          

Volunteering at Hythe Sailing Club provides new opportunities and supports people across the community to enjoy all the benefits of being on the water.    

Find out more


geographical shot of Christchurch sailing club

Protecting our environment

Sustainability is at the heart of Christchurch Sailing Club with all club members playing a vital role in protecting the marine environment.                   

Find out more


Find out more about Together on Water in our special RYA Live broadcast, recorded on launch day. Host Dee Caffari MBE delves into the detail with CEO Sara Sutcliffe MBE and Director of Sport Development Rob Clark.

Watch now